Friends for Households
Friends topic is an important topic in Early Childhood Education. In this course children learn and practice social skills and develop their communication skills. This is a core topic that should be emphasized all year round to build strong social skills, to support children learning process,and the overall well-being of the group.
Course Content

- 1 video
- 7 flashcards
- 1 song
- 2 worksheets
- 2 games
- 1 vocabulary quiz
Learn vocabulary about friends and teamwork. Practice teamwork and gross motor skills through a movement exercise. Learn how to work together as a team.

- 1 video
- 7 flashcards
- 1 rhyme
- 2 worksheets
- 1 game
- 1 vocabulary quiz
Learn vocabulary on friends and sharing. Develop language and communication skills through the rhyme and game.

- 1 video
- 7 flashcards
- 2 songs
- 2 worksheets
- 1 vocabulary quiz
- 1 find the words from the grid
Learn about feeling and emotions and vocabulary. Learn two songs about feelings and emotions and develop communication and articulation skills.

- 1 video
- 10 flashcards
- 1 song
- 2 worksheets
- 1 story
- 1 vocabulary quiz
- 1 find the words from the grid
Learn vocabulary about friends and school. Learn a new song and friends names and while developing gross motor skills through movement around the circle. Learn about good friends and describing words through the story.