Kuopio schedule:

In the Kuopio English club children can meet new friends and gain experience with the English language through playful interactions. Each month has a theme topic from our program and kids get a topic course workbook. Games, music and songs are used in language learning as well as many different types of learning activities such as writing and reading. Each month is a different learning topic and the children receive their own workbook for each topic. Children’s own interests are also observed and taken into consideration into the club activities. The club leader gives reports to the families monthly on the children’s learning progress.

Kuopio teacher Rezvan has over 15 years of experience teaching English to children and adults. She has a Ph.D. in TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) and CELTA and DELTA certificates. Rezvan loves to teach English, has a passion to work with children and to do research to discover how children learn the English language. Rezvan also speaks Finnish and Persian.
The Saturday clubs are enjoyed by the children and families. Children have energy and time to learn a new language and meet with new friends. The club takes place at the Päiväkoti Pilke Valo. Welcome to join the Kuopio English club!