Welcome to the placement questionnaire for our MASS Online Live lessons.
The MASS Online Live programme is designed around supervised interaction with a target language. Parents and carers are in a prime position to give this interaction outside of lessons. Our MASS Online Live lessons, given twice per week by our qualified teachers, help parents and carers to introduce the topic language to their kids.
By completing this questionnaire, we will be able to recommend a starting point for your child. Our recommendation is based on language growth and continuous review, but you may start with any topic. It can also be useful to return to previously studied topics as review.
Please answer the following questions based on what your child knows and can recall with relative ease.
This questionnaire will be most accurate if you ask your child these questions and register their responses (without their repetition of your whispered answers!). You may also answer based on what you know about their language level.
Once you have completed the questionnaire, you may use the recommendation to find an appropriate class or begin interacting in English with your kids using our programme.