Collectively and cumulatively we possess an abundance of knowledge and “hands on” experience in working with children and teaching them English as an additional language in social learning environments. We recognize that through supporting the child, family and teachers we can pave the way for optimum results in language and cultural learning. We are available to assist parents, teachers and institutions in facilitating additional language learning through phenomena based instruction thereby bringing joy and delight into the learning experience. Our ultimate goal is to spark an interest for future language learning and incorporate a strong and secure foundation for multilingualism. We aspire to help children fill up their backpacks with the items necessary to ensure that they will be active, healthy and productive global citizens.

We partner together as a family in helping nurture young children in their language and cultural learning experience. As a family community, our priority is to set aside “ME” and to rightly focus on “US”. Instead of pursuing our own individual and personal interests we ascribe to the goal of seeking the collective common good of the group. We seek to share and cultivate our common values by: caring for one another, positivity, playfulness, creativity, challenging ourselves, idea richness and diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. We believe in the credo which states: “the more we give, the more we receive”.
We are a diverse organization with a common passion to motivate and inspire children in developing an excitement and enthusiasm for learning about other cultures and languages. Our objective is to show children that learning languages and understanding other cultures is not only interesting and invaluable but fun and enjoyable too. We create a community where every individual is valued and we seek to support one another collectively. Our diverse multi-expert team assembles together to assist each other in our Language Clubhouse journey. As a team we encourage and motivate one another to help spread this joy of learning to children, families and our partners. We are willing to grow and develop ourselves individually as well as helping others cultivate and gain knowledge collectively. We are a self-directed organization in which individuals and teams have the freedom and responsibility to organize to develop their work and skill set. Our special strength is teamwork by cooperating and collaborating together for the bigger picture and greater good for the child and family. An independent approach requires support and that is why we constantly invest in the development of our team leaders and supervisors. For us, leadership is not just a title, but a tutelage since we are entrusted with the instruction and teaching of children placed into our care.

+ An inspiring, caring and competent work community.
+ Support for well-being at work.
+ Flexible working hours which makes it possible to reconcile work and family life.
+ A multi-professional and multidisciplinary team.
+ Possibilities to grow skills and advance in career.
We like lovely, kind hearted and generous people. We strive in giving our “best” to our community and in turn we expect receiving the “best” from you. Our goal is to build multi-faceted “DIAMOND” teams. Are you ready and prepared to let your brilliance shine?