Seasons online live course-A1 level
Seasons Topic- this is a popular topic in early education children can relate with nature, and also learn about what type of environments and climates are all over the world. It is an important topic to implement all year round in the learning environment. Explore different types of weather, and discuss what types of clothing to wear or activities to do in different seasons.
Course Content

- 1 video
- 7 flashcards
- 2 songs
- 2 interactive games
- 1 quiz
Children will learn spring time vocabulary and a new song. Learn what type of clothing can be worn in different types of weather.
Meeting does not exist: 81885613990.
Meeting does not exist: 83758173440.

- 1 video
- 8 flashcards
- 2 songs
- 2 worksheets
- 2 interactive games
- 1 story
- 1 quiz
Learn summer time vocabulary and learn songs about summer season. Children will get familiar about the clothes to wear and activities to do in summer. Listen to a story about seasons and create a book about the four seasons.
Meeting does not exist: 81885613990.
Meeting does not exist: 83758173440.

- 1 video
- 6 flashcards
- 1 song
- 3 worksheets
- 1 game
- 2 interactive games
- 1 vocabulary quiz
Learn Autumn time vocabulary, and a song about Autumn time. Get familiar with the colors in nature during Autumn season and practice colors. Practice season vocabulary while playing the seasons memory card and bingo games and taking the quiz
Meeting does not exist: 81885613990.

- 1 video
- 7 flashcards
- 1 song
- 2 worksheets
- 1 game
- 2 interactive games
- 1 quiz
Children will learn winter season vocabulary and two songs about winter time. Learn about what types of clothing are worn in the winter season. Learn about the weather in the winter season and discuss things that happen in winter.
Meeting does not exist: 81885613990.
Meeting does not exist: 83758173440.