Becky Luoma is the Seinäjoki and Helsinki area kindergarten English club teacher. Contact Becky, becky@language-clubhouse.com, for more information and to schedule a visit.
Becky has been teaching young learners English as an additional language in Finland since 2004. She is a positive and motivating teacher and coach, and finds the strengths in each individual student and helps them use them to learn English. Read Becky’s blog post about the advantages of learning English as a additional language from a young age: THE BENEFITS OF LEARNING A SECOND LANGUAGE AT AN EARLY AGE
We offer an English language club for kindergarten children during the operation of the kindergarten. The activities are organized in cooperation with the kindergarten. We look for the best time for the rhythm of the kindergarten and make a plan in collaboration. Our teachers use the Language Clubhouse annual program and materials.
For example:
- 6-10 children per group
- 45 min. per group
- includes learning materials
- once a week or more often

Rezvan Zonoubi is the Kuopio and surrounding areas English club leader. Contact Rezvan, rezvan@language-clubhouse.com for more information and to schedule a visit.
Rezvan has been teaching English as a foreign language to children and adults for 14 years, in Iran and in Finland. Rezvan has a passion for research in the field and continually develops own methods and teaching ways through ongoing education. Read Rezvan’s blog post about how kids learn at Kuopio English club: Inspiring Saturday mornings at English club in Kuopio
We offer an English language club for kindergarten children during the operation of the kindergarten. The activities are organized in cooperation with the kindergarten. We look for the best time for the rhythm of the kindergarten and make a plan in collaboration. Our teachers use the Language Clubhouse annual program and materials.
For example:
- 6-10 children per group
- 45 min. per group
- includes learning materials
- once a week or more often