
Language Clubhouse Online live courses are all about boosting confidence in speaking and communicating in English!

By Becky Luoma

Together we are a learning community Interactive and Fun Learning in our online live English clubs! No boring activities or sitting still. We play and learn through the experience! Language Clubhouse English classes are full of JOY! One Father of two kids 6 and 8 years old living in Finland with a bilingual background gave us feedback […]

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Holistic approach in early language learning

By Becky Luoma

Language Clubhouse English clubs are full of JOY!  We take into consideration each child as an individual to help them to grow and develop to full potential. Our starting point is to notice the good, not the shortcomings or paying attention to difficulties. To interact with others is more important than the need to understand […]

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WHY SONGS? The use of songs in early language learning-

By Rezvan Zonoubi

Songs and rhymes are like a chocolate candy bar in an English lesson. They are sweet, delicious and bring happiness. The use of songs and rhymes in an English lesson is highly effective for many reasons. I want to share my thoughts about the unique feature of Language Clubhouse’s songs and rhymes from their English […]

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The Five B’s for Teaching English as a Second Language

By Becky Luoma

My second blog post introduces five core principles in Teaching English as a Second Language based on research fundamentals of language and bilingual education. It is a rewarding task to teach English as a Second Language and a continual learning process. This is why I want to share with you five core principles: BE…Flexible: by […]

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